Friday, May 13, 2005

Ms. Science Person is feeling psychic today.

This recent finding doesn't surprise me one bit. Summary: Low-fat diets that consist largely of vegetables, fruit, lean proteins, and whole grains are healthier than "conventional low-fat diets" based mostly on processed crap in which the fat has been replaced by sugar and synthetics.

I feel confident in predicting the next finding: Low-carb diets that consist largely of vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, and fruit will be shown to be healthier than "conventional low-carb diets" based mostly on processed crap in which the sugar and starches have been replaced by fat and synthetics.

(ObBugNote: I have to be kindly disposed towards the link at the top of the page, if for no other reason than when I first saw it, the banner ad included a photo of a gulf fritillary.)


At 10:49 AM, Blogger Victoria said...

Isn't it enlightening that the diet full of "better living through chemistry" is the one referred to as "conventional"? I mean, sixty years ago, none of that stuff even existed.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Yup, and when even Forbes has clearer science reporting than some other "mainstream" sources ... oh, well, you know ....

It's not that I completely avoid eating and drinking synthetic crap, by the way. I just resent having it sold to me as health food!


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