Ms. Science Person is feeling psychic today.
This recent finding doesn't surprise me one bit. Summary: Low-fat diets that consist largely of vegetables, fruit, lean proteins, and whole grains are healthier than "conventional low-fat diets" based mostly on processed crap in which the fat has been replaced by sugar and synthetics.
I feel confident in predicting the next finding: Low-carb diets that consist largely of vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, and fruit will be shown to be healthier than "conventional low-carb diets" based mostly on processed crap in which the sugar and starches have been replaced by fat and synthetics.
(ObBugNote: I have to be kindly disposed towards the link at the top of the page, if for no other reason than when I first saw it, the banner ad included a photo of a gulf fritillary.)
Isn't it enlightening that the diet full of "better living through chemistry" is the one referred to as "conventional"? I mean, sixty years ago, none of that stuff even existed.
Yup, and when even Forbes has clearer science reporting than some other "mainstream" sources ... oh, well, you know ....
It's not that I completely avoid eating and drinking synthetic crap, by the way. I just resent having it sold to me as health food!
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